Dr. Anindita Roy
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Books & Book Chapters
Anindita Roy and Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Wind Power Based Isolated Energy Systems, Springer Nature, Switzerland.
Book Chapters:
Anindita Roy and Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Design of an optimal standalone wind power generation system, in Green Energy and Technology, Bentham Science Publishers, 2012.
More A, Roy A., Design and Weight Minimization of Small Wind Turbine Blade for Operation in Low-Wind Areas, Vol. 2 pp 311-322/May 2020, Springer Proceedings in Energy.
Parida S, Roy A, Anjankar P, Design and Experimental Study of Prototype Cold Storage for Various Vegetables Stored, Vol. 2018 pp 447-455/November 2019, Techno-Societal 2018, Springer Proceedings.
Roy A., Sen R., Shete R. (2021) Investigation on Different Types of Electric Storage Batteries Used in Off-grid Solar Power Plants and Procedures for Their Performance Improvement. In: Bose M., Modi A. (eds) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research. Springer Proceedings in Energy. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5955-6_30
International Journals (10)
Roy A., Kedare S.B. and Bandyopadhyay S, Application of design space methodology for optimum sizing of wind-battery systems. Applied Energy, 86(12): 2690-2703, 2009.
Roy A., Kedare S.B. and Bandyopadhyay S, Optimum sizing of wind-battery systems incorporating resource uncertainty, Applied Energy, 87(8), 2712-2727, 2010.
Roy A., Kedare S.B. and Bandyopadhyay S, 2011, Physical Design Space for Isolated Wind-battery System Incorporating Resource Uncertainty, Journal of Power and Energy: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part –A. 2011,225:421-442.
Roy A., Kedare S.B. and Bandyopadhyay S, 2011, On the Existence of Non-convexities in the Design Space of Isolated Wind-battery Systems, Wind Engineering. 2011, 35(2):223-245.
Roy A, Kedare S.B., and Bandyopadhyay S. Design and optimization of isolated wind-battery systems incorporating multiple wind generators, Wind Engineering. 2014, 38(3):191-216.
Chaudhary M K and A Roy, Design and optimization of a small wind turbine blade for operation at low wind speed, World Journal of Engineering, Multi Science Publishers 12(1), 83-94, 2015.
Roy A and Kulkarni G.N. Analysis on the feasibility of a Photovoltaic-Diesel Generator Hybrid System without Energy Storage for off grid electrification in India, Clean Technologies and Energy Policy, 2016, Springer.
Dhone S., Roy A, Design of Flexible Length Blade to Improve the Performance of The Wind Turbine, International Journal on Recent Technologies in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, April 2015.
Barade M.G., Roy A., Design and Optimization of Photovoltaic-Diesel Generator-Battery Hybrid System for off-grid areas, International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Special Issue-5, 2016.
Vishwakarma R and Roy A, Analytical and experimental analysis of thermocline thermal energy storage tank, International Engineering Research Journal, Special Issue June 2016, pp. 1058-1068.
Sen, R., Thacker, H., Roy, A., Shete, R., Jadhav, A., Raj, C. & Patil, V. (2021). Fast Charger for Lead Acid Motive Power Batteries for E-Rickshaw. International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy, 2021; 10(4): 121-128. DOI: 10.11648/j.ijrse.20211004.12.
Roy A and Bandyopadhyay S, Economic Pinch Analysis for estimating service life, Process Integration, and Optimization for Sustainability, 2022. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41660-022-00221-x
Bhatkar V W, Sur A, Roy A, Effect of term of error on wet bulb temperature measurement using aspiration psychrometer, Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer (FHMT), 19, 3 (2022).Cite Score: 3.4, http://www.thermalfluidscentral.org/journals/index.php/Heat_Mass_Transfer/article/view/1348/955
International Conferences (14 )
IET Conference, London, 2016
IET Conference, London, 2016
Applied Energy Conference, Sweden, 2019
ICAER 2019, IIT Bombay, 2019
Ambekar P. and Roy A., Design and development of a mixing arrangement for a prototype cold storage, AIP Conference Proceedings , 2417, 030003 (2021); https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0072662
Sen R., Roy A., Subramaniyan S., and Thacker H., Performance Degradation and Revival of Old Solar Power Plants & their Batteries, 2019 IEEE International Conference on Clean Energy and Energy Efficient Electronics Circuit for Sustainable Development (INCCES), 18-20 Dec. 2019, Krishnankoil, India.
Roy A., Kulkarni G.N., Optimization of cleaning periodicity of solar photo-voltaic power plants, International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE), Sweden 2019
Roy A, Sen R, Shete R., Investigation on Different Types of Electric Storage Batteries used in off-grid Solar Power Plants and Procedures for their Performance Improvement, International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), IIT Bombay, 2019
Parida S, Roy A, Anjankar P, Design and Experimental Study of Prototype Cold Storage for Various Vegetables Stored, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications, SVERI's College of Engineering, Pandharpur, 2018.
More Aarti and Roy A, Design and Weight Minimization of Small Wind Turbine Blade for Operation in Low-Wind Areas International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER), IIT Bombay 2017.
Dhone S and Roy A, ‘Numerical Investigation of flow over variable length wind turbine blades’ IET Renewable Power Generation, Conference, UK from Sept 21-23rd 2016.
Roy A and Dhone S., Design and Optimization of Hybrid Solar-Photovoltaic-Wind Battery system, 6-8th of April, 2015, National Conference on innovation in Mechanical Engineering, MAE, Alandi
Roy A and Vishwakarma R, Experimental Investigation on Thermocline thermal energy storage tank, The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) Annual Technical Paper Meet, Shivajinagar, Pune
Roy A and Patil M. H., Design and optimization of Photovoltaic-diesel generator-battery hybrid systems for off-grid areas, 32nd National Convention of Electrical Engineers & National Seminar on “Sustainable Developments In Indian Power Sector For Next Decade” The Institution of Engineers India (IEI), Shivajinagar, Pune
Roy A, Rathod A and Kulkarni G.N., Challenges to the diffusion of small wind turbines in India, IET Renewable Power Generation Conference, Beijing from Sept 9-11th 2013.
Roy A, A methodology for design of isolated multiple wind turbine –battery systems using design space approach. Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, May 29-31, 2013, COEP, Pune, Maharashtra, India. ISBN: 978-81-927125-0-5
Roy A., Kedare S.B. and Bandyopadhyay S, Uncertainty based design of isolated wind-battery power systems, International Conference on Advances in Energy Research (ICAER,), Organized by Department of Energy Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India, 2009.
Roy A., Kedare S.B., and Bandyopadhyay S., Design of wind power generation systems for industrial applications incorporating resource uncertainty. In Klemes J, Editor. 12th International Conference on Process Integration, modeling and optimization for energy saving and pollution reduction (PRES), 10-13th May Rome, Italy, Volume 18, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2009: p.647-651.
Chakraborty A, Sawhney R.L. and Sreevalsan E., WASP modeling of Jamgodrani Wind Monitoring Station, International Conference on Energy and environmental Technologies, Jaipur, India, October, 2003.